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Increases vertically as you add new shells, decreases horizontally because you have more protons in the nucleus

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Q: How does atomic radius increase or decrease horizontally or vertically across the periodic table?
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How does the atomic radius increase or decrease horizontally on the periodic table?

Atomic radius decreases horizontally in periodic table. This is due to increase in nuclear charge.

What is the trend for atomic radius horizontally and vertically on the periodic table?

Horizontally: decreasing from left to right.Vertically: increasing from top to bottom.

What is a periodic row?

On the Periodic Table of elements, elements that align horizontally are said to be in the same row, and objects that align vertically are said to be in the same group.

Which way does electron shells increase on the periodic table?

The number of shells in periodic table increase down the group, i.e., vertically.

How many vertical rows are on the periodic table?

There are NO vertical ROWS, because rows run horizontally, and COLUMNS run vertically. There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic table.

What is each horizontal row of the periodic table called?

vertically they're called groups and horizontally periods

What is group 17 period 5 on the periodic table?

Iodine. (Always remember, groups go horizontally, periods go vertically) -Ali, Muhammad.

Which way are periods on a periodic table?

Periods are horizontal.Groups are vertical.Just think group = up and downperiod= right and left

How are groups on a periodic table numberd?

From right to left (1- 18) on the periodic table. Instead of up and down (1-7) periods go vertically. (rows) groups go horizontally. (columns)

What is the pattern of vertical columns on the periodic table of elements?

Protons gradually increase or decrease.

What happens to the atomic size of the atoms as you go from left to right of the periodic table?

The atomic radius decrease from left to right in the periodic table.

When you read the periodic table top to bottom the number of electron energy level increase or decrease?
