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Factors that affect team cohesion:

How the individual members of the group feel about the group as a whole.

Reasons for being attracted to the team e.g. social reasons or to win.

Group performance - a winning team is more likely to be cohesive.

Support for the team - a supportive crowd will help cohesion.

How well team members communicate.

Leadership - a good leader will improve team cohesion.

Sense of identity - wearing the same kit improves a sense of identity and cohesion.

Friendship - people who are friends off the field often make a cohesive team on the field.

Hope this helps :)

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3mo ago

Cohesion can have a significant impact on performance as it refers to how well components within a system work together towards a common goal. Higher cohesion often leads to better performance because it reduces dependencies and communication overhead, making it easier to maintain, test, and scale the system. Conversely, lower cohesion can lead to inefficiencies, increased risk of errors, and difficulty in adapting to changes.

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14y ago

The unbroken columns of water held by cohesive forces within the narrow xylem vessels are drawn upwards to the top of trees.

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12y ago

cohesion is the unity if our writing

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Continue Learning about Chemistry

What is the word for water molecules sticking to each other?

The word is cohesion. Cohesion is the property of water molecules attracting and sticking to each other.

The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick together is called?

This depends. If the molecules are of different kinds (ie: Water and Glass), then it is called adhesion. If they are of the same kind, it is called cohesion.The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick to one another is known as cohesion. This is what keeps the molecules together a good example being in water.

What is the opposite of cohesion?

The opposite of cohesion is adhesion. Cohesion refers to the attraction between molecules of the same substance, while adhesion refers to the attraction between molecules of different substances.

Do different liquids have a different amount of cohesion?

Yes, different liquids have different levels of cohesion based on their molecular properties. Liquids with stronger intermolecular forces, like water, exhibit higher cohesion resulting in stronger surface tension. In contrast, liquids with weaker intermolecular forces, like alcohol, have lower cohesion and reduced surface tension.

Are hydrogen bonds an example of cohesion?

Yes, hydrogen bonds are an example of cohesion. Cohesion refers to the attraction between molecules of the same substance, and hydrogen bonds form between water molecules due to the positive and negative charges on the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. This cohesion is responsible for the surface tension and high boiling point of water.

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