

How does the carbom dioxicle?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: How does the carbom dioxicle?
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Yes it is

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Symbol: C Name: Carbon Both start with a C...

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A double covalent bond and a coordinate covalent bond.

How many protons are in a carbom atom?

An atom's atomic number gives us its number of protons. Carbon's atomic number is 6. Thus, it has 6 protons.

What is the molecules for three carbom atoms and eight hydrogen atoms?

3 atoms of carbon and 8 of hydrogen make Propane.

Which is a good way to prevent accidental carbom monoxide poisoning?

Never leave the car running while it is parked inside the garage regardless if the garage door is open or not.

What are some physical properties of carbon?

Physical properties are different for each carbom allotrope: examples for graphite:- density: 2,09-2,23 g/cm3- Mohs hardness: 1-2- crystalline structure: hexagonal- electrically coductive

How do frogs get rid of solid and liquid wastes?

A frog removes liquid and solid wastes through a process called "Excretion". Indigestable solid waste is removed by bowel movements, and liquid toxins are cleared from the body by urination. Excretion also takes place when a frog breathes out carbom dioxide.

What does stomata due for plants?

They facilitate gas exchange between the inside of a leaf and the outside world. Primarily releasing oxygen into the atmosphere and taking in carbon dioxide for respiration. Stomata also release water vapor and plants balance their in intake of carbon dioxide and release of water carefully. Each stomata is surrounded bu a guard cell, these specialist cells are responsible for opening and closing the stomata depending on the needs of the plant and availability of resources Stomata also allow in other unintended gasses such sulfur dioxide, carbom monoxide and nitrogen; gasses which have steadily increased in concentration due to the impact of humans. These can cause stunted growth, mutations and other problems with metabolic function although this varies with plant species and has not been fully investigated