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Mixing is a physical change.

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Q: How is a salt water mixture a physical change?
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What type of change occurs when water is added to a salt-sulphur mixture?

The salt dissolves in the water and the sand does not.

What is making salt water to gargle for a sore throat a physical or chemical change?

Physical. It is a mixture of salt and water. No chemical change has taken place.

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Why is salt water a physical separation?

Salt water is a solution, a mixture not a "separation".

Is salt water considered a physical or chemical change?

Solubilization of salt in water is a physical change.

Is solubility of salt in water a chemical or physical change?

Solubilization of salt in water is a physical change.

When Salt dissolving water physical change or chemical change?

It is a physical change because the chemical composition of salt and water do not change. You can separate the salt and water physically by allowing the water to evaporate, which leaves the salt.

Dissolving salt into water is it physical or chemical change?

This is a physical change. You can separate the salt and water by the physical process of distillation or evaporation where the water is boiled away and the salt is left behind.

Is mixting salt and water a physical change?

Physical change...

Is possolving table salt in a glass of water a physical change of a chemical change?

It is a physical change because the chemical composition of the salt and water does not change.

Is combining water and salt physical or chemical change?

Dissolving in water is a physical change.