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Elements having more than 92 protons, the atomic number of uranium, are called transuranium elements.

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4mo ago

An element is classified as a transuranium element if its atomic number is greater than 92, which is the atomic number of uranium. These elements are all synthetic and are typically produced in laboratories through nuclear reactions. They are highly unstable and have very short half-lives.

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13y ago

A transuranium element is any of the 22 synthesised elements. The first synthesised element is Neptunium, which is directly after Uranium, hence transuranium.

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Which equation represents the synthesis of a transuranium element?

A possible equation for the synthesis of a transuranium element could be: Plutonium-239 + Neutron → Curium-240. This process involves bombarding a transuranium element like plutonium with an extra neutron to create a heavier transuranium element like curium.

Which element has the lowest atomic number transuranium?

The element with the lowest atomic number among the transuranium elements is neptunium, with an atomic number of 93. It is the first transuranium element produced synthetically in a laboratory setting.

Which is not a property of the transuranium element?

Transuranium elements are synthetic and do not occur naturally in significant quantities.

What is the first transuranium element?

The first transuranium element is neptunium (Np), with atomic number 93. It was first synthesized in 1940 by Edwin McMillan and Philip H. Abelson at the University of California, Berkeley.

What is the first trans uranium element?

Transuranium elements are those that have an atomic number greater than uranium's, which is 92. The first transuranium element is neptunium (Np) with atomic number 93.

What is the most poisonous but most efficient transuranium element when used in nuclear reactors?

You probably are thinking of plutonium

What is the origin of the name of the element 'seaborgium'?

The element seaborgium is named after the American chemist Glenn T. Seaborg, who was involved in the discovery of several transuranium elements.

What is the name for Cf?

The name for the element with the atomic symbol Cf is Californium. Californium is a radioactive metallic chemical element with the atomic number 98. It is a transuranium element and is commonly used in research and nuclear applications.

Is berkelium a metal or a non metal?

Berkelium is a metal. It is a transuranium element and is part of the actinide series on the periodic table.

Named after the long bearded Russian himself Like all transuranium elements number 101 is synthesized and it has no stable isoptopes?

Element 101, mendelevium (Md), is named after Dmitri Mendeleev, the Russian scientist who developed the periodic table. Mendelevium is a transuranium element, meaning it has a higher atomic number than uranium, and is synthesized in laboratories as it does not have any stable isotopes.

What is a transuranium metal?

elements that have a higher atomic number than the element Uranium (92). Twenty have been discovered and they are all unstable with half-lives

What element is xe 6s2 4f4?

The element with electron configuration Xe 6s2 4f4 is Curium (Cm) with atomic number 96. It is a radioactive transuranium element that is part of the actinide series.