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It is generally safe to reuse plastic bags until they turn cloudy and opaque, which is an indication that the material is starting to break down. They can be recycled where available facilities are found.

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How many plastic bags used a day in the US.?

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What is the plasatic that is used for shopping bags?

the plastic used for shopping bags is called polyethylene.

What would you do without plastic bags?

We would adapt. As we have in the past. Before plastic bags came into the picture - baskets, or cloth bags, then paper bags, boxes where used.

When is a plastic bag used?

A plastic bag is used when going shopping. Or you can alternatively use paper bags or environmentally friendly bags (ex.

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carrying things

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Why are plastic bags used instead of natural fibres bags?

Laziness mostly - plastic bags are cheap to make and people tend to forget to bring their reusable bags to the grocery store.