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It depends on the environmental conditions but it starts becoming foul as soon as it leaves the body as the various chemicals separate and yeasts and bacteria start to break it down. Certainly within a few hours in warm conditions it will start to evaporate ammonia. The remaining liquid then continues to evaporate which leaves a powder residue which is mostly phosphorus and salts.

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15y ago

Urine can be kept in bottle for 24 hours before going bad.

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Q: How long can urine be kept in a closed bottle before going bad?
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Pissing in a bottle and putting it in the fridge, YOU IDIOT

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qcarbo. drink it two to three hours before your test, then fill up the bottle with water, and drink that too. then drink another bottle of water for safe measure. Be sure to urinate at least once before your test, and you'll pass

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Probably not.

What causes high urine temperature?

Urine is the same temperature as the body it leaves. If the person has a fever, the urine will be a higher temperature. This is why there is a temperature gauge on the outside of a sample bottle.

I am prescribed roxicets and going to have a urine drug test on monday will it show up or will i be ok?

If you have a prescription for roxicet, take the bottle with you to the test. If you're on a prescription drug and it shows up in your urine (assuming they test you for roxies in the first place), they assume it's supposed to be in there and you pass.

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