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It depends where they are. Full sun or total shade...mixed in dirt...all alone. How much water? Lots of variables. I know in Arizona in full sun, mixed with mulch around my plant, about a week IF I really water well!

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Q: How long do polymer crystals take to dehydrate?
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How long would marijuana in a jar take to crystalize?

Marijuana will not crystalize in a jar, it will decompose. The crystals that you are probably referring to occur naturally during the growth process of the marijuana plant. Some strains of this plant do not produce any crystals visible to the human eye while others produce a widely visible array of shiny crystals.

Explain why large crystals of coarse sea salt take longer to dissolve in water than crystals of fine table salt?

The smaller crystals have more surface area exposed to be dissolved. Since the larger crystal has a bigger volume to surface area ratio, it will take longer to dissolve it all.

Where can you get crystals?

Best way to found crystals is trying to full around for little bit: throw objects around, search for hidden spots and corners between objects and walls. In other words keep looking closely to environment in the game.

Why does it take so long for crystals to grow?

The time it takes for crystals to form varies with the mineral that is taking shape and the environment around it. In the case of halite, which is the mineral form of sodium chloride, table salt, crystals can take shape over a few years or even a months, depending on the conditions under which it is forming. But other crystal minerals take thousands or millions of years to form. There are a number of ways to determine the length of the periods of time over which a crystal forms, but there are big variations owing to the specific minerals that are crystallizing and the conditions under which those crystals form. The chemistry, as well as the physics (heat, pressure) all play a role; these are the variables in the equation.

Is stearic acid a monomer or polymer?

It wouldn't generally be considered as either a polymer or a monomer. Stearic acid is a long chain (18 carbons long) carboxylic acid (sometimes known as "fatty acid"). Therefore its molecules are not sufficiently long to be considered a polymer, and there is no functionality along the carbon chain to enable polymerisation to take place, therefore it would not be classed as a monomer either. Small molecules are only referred to as "monomers" in the context of their ability to link together with many other similar molecules to form polymers. Note that it is possible to create polymers using certain carboxylic acids, but they need to have two carboxyl groups (reaction of dicarboxylic acids with diols creates polyesters by a condensation reaction). Stearic acid only contains one carboxyl group.