

How many atoms are there on earth?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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16y ago

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A lot. A whole lot1.244383746354657463647564763546574746356325465757463635346464746747597078978785625141324343545646565767474635475758686797918274655463737828181828374646465655646473383829292929299987786765757575757474747474 quadrillian you should know by now
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13y ago
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16y ago

The chemical composition of the Earth (by mass) is:

34.6% Iron

29.5% Oxygen

15.2% Silicon

12.7% Magnesium

2.4% Nickel

1.9% Sulfur

The mass of the Earth is 5.97e24 kg = 5.97e27 g

Therefore the earth contains

2.07e27g Iron

1.76e27g Oxygen

9.1e26g Silicon

7.6e26g Magnesium

1.4e26g Nickel

1.1e26g Sulfur

The molar masses of these elements are:

55.9g Iron

16.0g Oxygen

28.1g Silicon

24.3g Magnesium

58.7g Nickel

32.1g Sulfur

Therefore the number of moles of each of these elements is:

3.7e25 Iron

1.10e26 Oxygen

3.2e25 Silicon

3.1e25 Magnesium

2e24 Nickel

3e24 Sulfur

for a total of 2.15e26 moles. Multiply by Avogadro's number to get number of atoms = 1.3e50 or so.

(what about the earth's atmoshere?)

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13y ago

there are 2 billion atoms in a cm. and there are about 24901.55 miles around earth( if your question is how many atoms AROUND EARTH listen up) and there

is 185318.4 cm. in one mile and that times 24901.55 = 4614715403.52 and that

times 2000000000 (2 billion) =4614715403520000000 and that is how many atoms around earth P.S. if you have any complaints a 2nd grade boy wrote this( it's true!

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2mo ago

It is estimated that there are approximately 1.33 x 10^50 atoms on Earth, with the majority of these being hydrogen atoms followed by helium and oxygen atoms.

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11y ago

More than you can count and you ever will be able to count

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14y ago

As far as I know 118 proven separate atoms.

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13y ago

About 133,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in the world

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12y ago

10 to the 1000000 to the 100000

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10y ago

i dont know... probally 1000 ?

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