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Q: How many carbon atoms are in a buckyball?
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How many carbons are involved in a Buckyball?

A buckyball contains 60 carbon atoms.

To which specific atom does the buckyball refer?


A buckyball is a term to describe what?

A buckyball is a short form of buckminsterfullerene. This is a form of Carbon C60 that has a molecular shape like a geodesic dome.

What are diamond graphite and buckyball examples of?

The three types of carbon.

What is buckyball short for?

Buckminster Fullerene - a sphere of 60 carbon atoms covalently bonded. This advance in nanotechnology has paved the way for drugs to be transported in these Buckyballs to target areas around the body.

How was Buckyball discovered?

IntroductionIn 1885 a scientist did an experiment on graphite and after reaction he studied the structure and found that a new substance was formed which was different from the other types of carbon . Discovery of buckyballThe scientist studied its structure and found that it is made up of 60 carbon atoms in a spherical shape . they introduced it as buckyball . ConclusionLater more n more information was given about buckyball n from 1885a new allotropy form of carbon was introduced .so from then 4 types of carbon exist .i.e1. diamond2. graphite3. amorphous and4. buckyballfromISRA

How many carbon atoms does fumarate have?

four carbon atoms

How many carbon atoms are in fumarate?

four carbon atoms

How many hydrocarbon with only carbon carbon single bond and n number of carbon atoms how many hydrogen atoms are there in terms of n?

How many hydrocarbon with only carbon-carbon single bond and n number of Carbon atoms how many hydrogen atoms are there in terms of nv

How many carbon atoms are in butyne?

There are 4 carbon atoms in butyne.

Who discovered the buckyball?

Harold Kroto, Richard smalley

What is larger fullerene?

A fullerene is a form of Carbon molecule that is neither diamond nor graphite. Fullerene molecules consist of 60 or more Carbon atoms, the smallest fullerene has no less than 60 carbon atoms (C60) and is called Buckminsterfullerene. Fullerenes are geodesic in shape (spherical like a football- hence the nickname buckyball) and are invariably closed at both ends.