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Group 1 elements a.k.a. Alkali metals lose 1 electron to form 1+ ions

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Q: How many electrons do group 1 elements lose to become ions?
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What makes some elements ions?

All elements become ions when you add or subtract electrons.

Which elements tend to attract electrons to become negative ions?

Nonmetals tend to attract electrons to become negative ions.

When group 2a elements form ions what happens?

When group 2A elements form ions, they lose two electrons. Some examples of group 2A elements include radium and magnesium.

When group A elements form ions they?

lose 2 electrons and form ions with a 2+ charge.

How many valence electrons do the elements is group two have?

Group II elements (also called alkaline earth metals), have two valence electrons. To fill their outer shell, they therefore become ions with two positive charges, such as magnesium: Mg -> 2e- + Mg2+

Elements in Group 1 become more stable by what an electron?

Elements in group two become more stable as they all have complete electron shell.They do not have valence electrons and hence they are less reactive.Some of the elements of group 2 are Barium,Magnesium and Calcium

When a group 2A elements form ions they?

When Group 2A elements form ions they lose the electrons in their outer shell. In doing so they form positive ions known as cations.

What periodic group of elements does not ionize?

The Noble Gases (Group VIIIA or Group 8A) do not exchange electrons or become ionized into ions since they already have a full electron configuration.

Do elements in group 2A gain or loose electrons when they become ions?

Lose 2Alkaline-earth metals have 2 outer shell electrons. All atoms "want" eight. They will achieve a full outer shell by losing or gaining the least number of electrons. Since group 2A elements have two valence electrons, they would either have to gain 6 electrons or lose 2. It is easier to lose 2.

How do ions become positive?

Positive ions form when an atom or group of atoms loses one or more electrons.

How many electrons will the elements have in the second group have on the periodic table?

There are 2 valence electrons (electrons in the outer shell) of group 2 elements in the ground (un-ionised or standard) state. This causes them to form +2 ions.

Do elements in group 8 readily or rarely form ions?

Group 8 rarely forms ions since it has steal/lose more electrons to follow the octet rule (having eight valence electrons).