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When an element is in its neutral state the number of protons always equal number of electrons.

For heavier elements like uranium, to get number of neutrons subtract number of protons from the atomic number.

Equal protons and electrons = stable element.

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You need them in a 1:1 ratio. if you have one proton and one electron that's a neutral charge

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Q: How many electrons neutrons and protons does it take to make a neturaly charged atom?
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Where are proton neutron and electron fond?

Protons, neutrons and electrons are found in the atom. The protons and neutrons form the nucleus. Electrons orbit the nucleus. Protons are positively charged, neutrons have no charge and electrons are negatively charged.

What property's do protons and electrons have that neutrons don't?

Protons and electrons are charged particles and neutrons have no charge because they are neutral.

Do protons have negative charges?

no, they have a posotive charge , electrons have negative and neutrons have no charge or are neutral

Where are protons and neutrons located in?

All the protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus (center) Protons are positvely charged (red) neutrons are green, electrons are negatively charged and yellow

Is proton negativity charged?

No. Protons are positively charged.

An atom is neutral and an electron had a charge of -1.6X10 -19 c?

An atom?æconsist of protons,electrons and neutrons. Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged,?æ while neutrons are not charged.?æIts neutral because the number of protons and electrons are equal.

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Atoms have 3 elementary particles, protons and neutrons in the nucleus and electrons in orbitals. The protons are +1 charged, the neutrons are neutral, an the electrons are -1 charged

Are electrons positively charged?

Electrons are negatively charged, protons are positively charge and neutrons have no charge.

What are the thee particles of the atom respective charges are?

They are neutrons, protons and electrons. The neutrons have zero charge, protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge.They are neutrons, protons and electrons. The neutrons have zero charge, protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge.

Where the protons neutrons and electrons are in an atom?

In an atom- the protons and neutrons are in the nucleus(aproximately centre) which makes the middle positively charged. The electrons are around the nucleus. The electrons are attracted to the nucleus because the nucleus is positively charged.

What are the subatomic particles in the nucleus?

In the nucleus of an atom, there are protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge. Neutrons have a neutral charge. outside the nucleus of the atom, it is surrounded by electrons. Electrons are negatively charged.

Negative charged particle in atom?

Neutrons are uncharged, protons are positively charged and the negatively charged electrons surround the nucleus.