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Valence electrons are the total amount of electrons on the outermost shell of an atom. Meaning if the last shell has two, the valence electrons are two. But a complete valence shell would hold eight.

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iron belongs to oxygen family, so it will have the same number of electrons as oxygen. therefore, it has 6 electrons in its outermost shell or valence shell.

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8 valence electrons

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How many valence electrons have boron have?

3 valence electrons. As the atomic number of boron is 5, it would have 2 electrons in the first shell and 3 valence electrons in the second shell.

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Nitrogen has 5 valence electrons. Its atomic number is 7 therefore it has a total of 7 electrons. If you put this in a Bohr-Rutherford Diagram, there would be 2 electrons in the first shell (Helium structure) and 5 electrons in the outer shell. The number of electrons in an element's outermost shell is its number of valence electrons.

Is eight valence electrons is called an?

Eight valence electrons would complete the out shell. If the outer shell was complete it would still be called the same thing, however the charges would be different.

What is the electron valence shell for c3h8?

The valence shell is the outter most shell that contains the most electrons. To find out how many valences there are you would mulitply the electrons. C3H8= (6)3 + (1)8=26 the outer valence shell will be 20.

How many valence electronss does each fluorine atom have?

Fluorine is a halogen. All halogens have 7 valence electrons. There are thus 7 valence electrons for Fluorine, 2 in the 2s orbital, and 5 in the 2p orbitals.

How many valence electrons does a neutral oxygen atom have?

A neutral atom of oxygen would have 6 valence electrons.

Would a magnesium atom prefer to lose or gain electrons?

Magnesium is in the second group (column) of the periodic table, so it has two valence electrons or electrons in its outer shell. so in order for it to fulfill the octet rule (get eight electrons in its valence shell most of the time), then it would rather lose two electrons and have a full valence shell than gain six electrons.

How many valence electrons does a sulfur atom have?

Both have six valance electrons. That is what the number at the top of their column means.

How with 5 valence electrons will achieve a full set of valence electrons?

If you're asking how will an atom with 5 valence electrons will achieve a full set of valence electrons, then the answer would be that they bond with other atoms to gain a full set of the valence electrons by sharing or gaining 3 electrons.

Outermost principal energy level?

That, or they, would be the outer most shell electrons. The one(s) that get shared when elements bond. The one that moves out and up when struck by a photon. The one that makes light when it falls back down (gives up its' energy) to its' original shell. ADD: It is a valence electron.

What happens if the outermost electron shell is empty?

the shell would never be empty, there would be another shell under it and it would have all of its valence electrons