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Three: 1s2,2s2, 2p5.

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Q: How many energy levels does the element f have?
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Which element has 7 electrons and 5 energy levels?

The Element homogaynium has 69 valence electrons in no shell! They just bump into each other all day long

How many energy sublevels are in fourth energy level?

There are four energy sublevels in the fourth energy levels: 4s, 4p, 4d, and 4f.

What is the number of electrons energy levels?

There are 4. S , P, D and F

What elements has the lowest ionization energy element Rb Na C or F?


The electron cloud is divided into what?

The electron cloud is divided into s, p, d, and f orbitals. These orbitals also occur at different principle energy levels.

What is common to every element in a period?

The energy sublevel (s, p, d ,f) is always the same.

How do you determine the energy in the f- level orbit?

subtract two from the period number

How do you find the number of electrons on each level in an element?

This is a somewhat difficult question to answer without a picture but for the left (first) two columns of the periodic table (S Block) and the right (last) six columns (P block) the number of energy levels is the row number of where that atom is on a periodic table (these blocks together are known as the representative elements). For the middle part (transition elements, or D block) the number of energy levels is equal to the row number the element is in, minus one. So for example, Lithium (Li) has two energy levels. In another example, Iron (Fe) has three energy levels. For the inner-transition elements (a.k.a. the lanthanide and actinide, or F block) the number of energy levels is the row number (Lan - row 6, Act - row 7), minus two. So in example, Uranium (U) has 5 energy levels).

How many f electrons can there in an energy level?


How many f orbitals can there be in an energy level?


How many Single bonds are typically formed by the element F?

One bond.

The divisions within a principal energy level are called?

Sub shells or sub energy levels, s,p,d,f , they are represented by Azimuthal quantum number 'l'.