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112 neutrons

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Q: How many neutrons are in an Osmium atom of mass number 188?
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The nucleus of an atom consists of 8 protons and 6 neutrons The total number of electrons present in a neutral atom of this element is?

Atomic number 76 is Osmium, the densest element. Its atomic mass is 190. Atomic number tells you the number of protons, so 76 protons. Atomic mass tells you the sum of protons and neutrons, so there are 190-76 = 114 neutrons.

How many neutrons in osmium?

The number of neutrons in the main isotopes of osmium and their abundance is116 (41%),114 (26%),113 (16%),112 (13%)There are three more isotopes with fewer protons and abundance below 5%.

How many neutrons are in one atom?

The number of neutrons depends on the atom. In general, mass number = atomic number + number of neutrons.

Osmium has how many protons?

An osmium atom has 76 protons.

How many prontons are in osmium?

an osmium atom has 76 protons.

How do you calculate how many neutrons there are in a atom?

The atomic weight minus the number of protons = the atom's neutrons.

How many protns neutrons and electrons does osmium have?

Osmium atoms have 76 electrons and protons, and between 108 and 116 neutrons. The isotopes with more neutrons are more abundant.

How do you find out how many neutrons a atom has?

Mass number = Atomic number (or number of protons) + Number of neutrons

How many neutrons are there in an element having a mass number of 155 and an atomic number of 63?

The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is always the difference between the mass number of the atom and the atomic number of the atom. Therefore, in this instance, there are (155 - 63) or 92 neutrons in the atom.

How many neutrons have an atom with a mass number of 20 and 11 neutrons?

How many neutrons would it have if it had 11 neutrons? 11.

How many neutrons does an atom of nitrogen have if the mass number is 13?

6 neutrons

How many neutrons does a technetium atom have?

For each isotope the number of neutrons is different. Number of neutrons = Mass number of an Tc isotope - 43