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Al 2

S 3

O 12

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Q: How many oxygen atoms are in this formula Al2SO43?
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How many atoms of elements of Al are in Al2SO43?

This molecule contain two aluminium atoms.

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Does no and no2 have the same empirical formulas?

No: The formula NO shows equal numbers of nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the compound, but the formula NO2 shows twice as many oxygen atoms as nitrogen atoms.

How many oxygen atoms are in a formula unit of sodium acetate?

The compound sodium acetate is C2H3NaO2, so each formula unit has 2 oxygen atoms.

How many atoms are there in Ozone?

The formula for ozone is O3 it contains three oxygen atoms.

How many oxygen atoms are in one molecule of surcrose?

Sucrose = molecular formula C12H22O11 Therefore 11 Oxygen atoms.

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There is no oxygen atom in smithstone, here's the chemical formula.

How many atoms of oxygen are present in ozone?

The chemical formula for ozone is O3 - three oxygen atoms.

How many atoms are in C13H18O2?

There are 33 atoms in that molecular formula. C13H18O2 (the molecular formula for Ibuprofen) has 13 carbon atoms, 18 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms.

How many times larger is the number of hydrogen atoms then oxygen atoms in all carbohydrates?

The number of hydrogen atoms is twice the number of oxygen atoms. Glucose is C6H12O6, so there are 12 hydrogen atoms for every 6 oxygen atoms in a molecule.