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Lithium chloride would dissolve in water.

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Q: How would lithium chloride behave when added to water?
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Related questions

Why is lithium chloride insoluble in water?

You are misinformed, Lithium Chloride IS soluble in water.

What gives out lithium chloride pluse water?

This is a lithium chloride water solution containing ions Cl- and Li+.

How you can remove lithium chloride from water?

One way to remove lithium chloride from water is through a process called precipitation. By adding a chemical compound that can react with lithium chloride to form a solid precipitate, the lithium chloride can be removed by filtration or sedimentation. Another method is through reverse osmosis, where pressure is used to force water through a membrane that is impermeable to lithium chloride, thus separating it from the water.

Why LiCl and NaCl are insoluble in water?

Sodium chloride and lithium chloride are very soluble in water.

Does lithium chloride in water form new substances?


How do you quench n- butyl lithium?

Lithium + 1-chlorobutane ---> n-nuthyllithium + lithium chloride

What is the word equation for the reaction of lithium carbonate and hydrochloric acid?

lithium carbonate + hydrochloric acid ---> lithium chloride + carbon dioxide + water

Why does lithium metal conduct electricity well where as sold lithium chloride does not?

Lithium chloride is a completely different substance than lithium metal. Sodium chloride is table salt however table salt isn't highly corrosive or explosive in water. Properties can change dramatically when compounds are formed.

Does lithium form an alkali when added to water?

Yes. It forms Lithium hydroxide.

What happens to silver chloride when added water?

Silver chloride is not soluble in water.

When lithium is added to water lithium and hydrogen is made?

Yes, hydrogen is a product of this reaction.

What does lithium and water make?
