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Glucose saline solution should be put in autoclave.Water is needed which should be with salt and minerals. Water should be boiled so that it kills all bacteria.

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Q: How would you sterilize intravenous glucose saline solutions?
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Related questions

What are the types of intravenous solutions?

The most common is a saline solution very similar in composition to tears, is what is called Physiologic solution. There are Ringer and Glucose which have divers concentrations of metabolites or glucose and some less used and known.

Classification of intravenous fluids?

There are many things that can be given intravenously, with the most common being lactors ringer and saline. Volume expanders, blood-based products, blood substitutes, medications and nutrition may also be given intravenously.

What is the Solute of intravenous fluid?

the solutions used in iv are the hypotonic , hypertonic, isotonic solutions .. :)

Are 0.9 percent saline and 5.0 percent glucose solutions isotonic?

yes it is isotonic solution.

What is Difference between NS and DNS intravenous infusion?

NS is normal saline and DNS is dextrose normal saline...

What is dextrose saline?

Dextrose is Glucose and Saline is sodium chloride.

Is normal saline classified as a drug?

Normal saline intended to be used for intravenous administration comes under drug category.

How supplied of plain normal saline solution?

Typically in an IV (intravenous) drip.

Normal saline solution is for what?

0.9% NaCl solution (normal saline, physiological saline) is used to give intravenous fluids to the patients suffering from salt and water deprivation. It can be used to wash the wounds etc.

What do saline solutions evaporated taste like?

Saline solutions are ones that contain salt...if you evaporate a saline solution, you recover the dissolved salt, therefore an evaporated saline solution tastes like the salt that it is.

What does intravenous mean?

Intravenous is the manner of delivery for drugs, blood, saline, or other solutions: a small needle inserted into a vein supports a channel-like device that can be attached to bags or other containers to keep a steady supply entering the blood-stream of a patient.This manner of delivery, if kept open, usually doesn't require re-insertion of the needle and is efficient and less likely to cause infection than other manners of delivering solutions.

What concentration of NaCl would you use to store human red blood cells?

Only isotonic saline (0.9%) is recommended for use with blood components. Other isotonic electrolyte solutions that have been approved by the FDA for this purpose may be used.Other commonly used intravenous solutions will cause varying degrees of difficulty when mixed with red cells. For example, 5% dextrose in water will hemolyze red cells. Intravenous solutions containing calcium, such as Lactated Ringer's solution, can cause clots to form in blood.