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The formation of rust is a chemical reaction as it involves chemical bonding. However, it is initiated by the physical properties of standard electrode potentials.

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Q: If Iron and oxygen form rust is it a chemical or physical reaction?
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Is rusting a 'physical' reaction?

Chemical. (Iron molecules plus oxygen molecules)

Is rusting iron a physical change in science?

no rusting iron is not a physical change it is a chemical change

Is rusting steel wool a physical or chemical change?

Chemical. Rusting is known as "oxidization," a chemical reaction where oxygen reacts with iron.

What rust the result of a chemical reaction?

Rusting is a chemical reaction because it is irreversible. Rust or iron oxide is formed when iron reacts with oxygen in water.

Is a car rusting a physical reaction?

Nope, chemical. Metal combines with oxygen to form whatever-metal oxide. example: Iron+oxygen=Iron oxide/rust

Is metal chair-rusts physical or chemical change?

The rusting of a metal chair is a chemical change. The iron is undergoing oxidation as it combines with oxygen to form iron oxide.

What evidence of chemical change occur in iron rust?

The evidence of chemical reaction in the rusting of an iron nail is a color change. This is due to the formation of iron oxide, which is the reaction between iron and oxygen.

Is iron rusts a physical or chemical reaction?

Iron rusting is a chemical change.

How does wrought iron rust?

Rusting of iron is a chemical reaction of oxydation (reaction with oxygen).

Is iron and oxygen from rust chemical or physical?


Is the reaction of iron with oxygen to form iron oxides a physical or chemical change?

Reaction of iron with oxygen to form iron oxide is an example for a chemical change as iron is getting oxidized to its oxide . The process is known as corrosion and the product is commonly known as rust.See the Related Questions to the left for more information about chemical changes, physical changes, and rust itself.iron rusts is a chemical change because you cant cahnge the way it is now.

What is caused by chemical reaction iron and oxygen?

The formation of iron oxides is caused by chemical reaction of iron and oxygen. Note, it is not rusting; rusting also requires the presence of water.