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it causes bone cancer to both animals and humans,but humans are animals,so its just animals! ;P

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2mo ago

One danger to animals with Sr-90 accumulating in their bone structures is an increased risk of developing bone cancer. Sr-90 is a radioactive isotope that emits harmful radiation, which can damage the DNA in cells and potentially lead to the formation of cancerous tumors in bones.

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Q: If animals feed on plants that have taken up Sr-90 the Sr-90 can find its way to their bone structures explain one danger to animals?
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What is the study of chemical energy in plants and to mechanical energy in animals?

The study of chemical energy in plants is known as plant bioenergetics, focusing on processes such as photosynthesis where plants convert sunlight into energy. The study of mechanical energy in animals is related to biomechanics, examining how animals use physical forces and structures to perform tasks like movement or hunting.

Who is a solid naturally occurring substance coal forms from the remains of plants and animals is coal a mineral explain?

Coal is not a mineral because it does not have a crystalline structure, which is a key characteristic of minerals. Instead, coal is a naturally occurring organic sedimentary rock made up of the remains of plants and animals that have undergone compaction and chemical changes over millions of years.

Explain why plastic plants and stuffed animals are not alive?

Plastic plants and stuffed animals are not alive because they do not have the necessary biological functions or processes that living organisms possess. They do not grow, reproduce, or respond to their environment like living organisms do. They are man-made objects without internal organs, cells, or the ability to carry out essential life functions.

How can carbon be passed from plants and animals to human beings?

Carbon is transferred from plants to animals through the consumption of plant matter by herbivores, and from animals to humans through the consumption of animal products. This process allows carbon to move through the food chain and be utilized by human beings when they eat plants or animals.

What is the name of the substance that gives the green structures their colour?

The substance that gives green structures their color is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plants that plays a key role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy.

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What of these structures are found in plants but not animals?

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How man are destroying your plants and animals?

By building structures in animals wild habitats

What structures are found in plants but not animals?

Some structures found in plants but not animals include chloroplasts (responsible for photosynthesis), cell walls (provide structure and support), and plastids (store food and pigments). Additionally, plants have specialized structures like roots, stems, and leaves for functions such as anchoring, transport, and photosynthesis, which animals lack.

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What are animal and plant structures called?

Plants and animals are called

Explain the importance of plants to people and animals?


Do animals or plants repair damaged structures?

no because plants can not come back to life when plants are dead they are dead

What structures are found in animals cells but not plants cells?

all structures, excluding chloroplasts and cell walls

What action of man is responsible for the danger that most species of plant and animals face today?

Hunting is one action of man that is responsible for the danger that most species of plant and animal face. Building in natural habitats where plants and animals live is another action of man that puts plants and animals in danger.