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Electrons in the outermost energy shell (valence shell) have the most energy.

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Q: If electrons have the most energy in an atom electrons in an electron cloud electrons in the outermost electron shell electrons in the innermost electron shell electrons in the nucleus?
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Which is more attracted to the nucleus an electron in the outermost shell of am atom or an electron in the innermost shell?

Electrons that are further away from the nucleus have a greater attraction because the positive and negative charges are stronger than innermost electrons

Does the chlorine have electrons in its nucleus as in its outermost shell?

No. Electrons are located in the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus.

What are the electron farthest from the nucleus called?

Electrons farthest from nucleus are valence electrons. They are present in outermost orbit.

What is The outermost ring of electrons in an atom?

"Electron cloud" is the name given to the electrons which surrounds the atomic nucleus.

What is the Outermost energy shell called?

Electrons in the outermost shell are called valence electrons.

Where are valance electron located in a atom?

Valence electrons are present in outermost shell. They are at far distance from nucleus.

Which has more potential energy an electron close to an atomic nucleus or one far from an atomic nucleus?

In general, electrons farther from the nucleus will have more energy than electrons closer in.

What does valence electron mean?

a) Valence electrons means the electrons present in the outermost orbit of an atom. b) Valence electrons means the outer shellof an atom, which determine its power to combine with other elements.

Is the outermost electron shell the highest or the lowest energy level shell?

No, the farthest electrons are at the highest energy level.No, the farthest electrons are at the highest energy level.No, the farthest electrons are at the highest energy level.No, the farthest electrons are at the highest energy level.

Is electron a valence electron or a outer electron?

an electron is a wavelength of energy that orbits a nucleus at the speed of light in an orbital where only one other electron can exist with an opposite spin, the electons in the orbitals in the outermost energy levels are valence electrons. ex: C= 1s^2 2s^2 2p^2 (the second energy level ((the outermost in this example)) contains a total of 4 electrons or its valence electrons)

Why does valence electron give up outermost energy easily?

The force of attraction between the atom's nucleus and its valence electrons are the least. Hence valence electrons are lost easily.

Where are the electrons in an atom?

Electrons are located in the electron cloud - the outermost portion of the atom. The electron cloud accounts for about 99% of the space taken up by the atom, yet less than 1% of the mass. A good way of thinking about this is in terms of a football field. Imagine the nucleus of the atom was the size of a blueberry. Place the blueberry in the middle of a football field, and that is the size of the electron cloud in comparison to the nucleus. As you see, the atom is mostly empty space with electrons floating around within. Within the electron cloud, electrons are organized into levels, sublevels, orbitals, and spins. Outermost electrons bond with other atoms. The placement of electrons within an electron cloud determines the stability and chemical properties of an element.