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First a bit of a metabolism primer. If you want to cut to the chase, go to the "Cut to the Chase" section below.

Metabolism Refresher
Glucose is the primary source of fuel for the body's cells. Certain cells such as nervous tissue (brain) and red blood cells mostly burn glucose for energy. Glucose can be turned into fat for medium to long-term storage, or into glycogen for relatively short storage for later release when glucose levels fall.

Cells need a small amount of glucose to properly metabolize fat. When a person has poorly controlled Diabetes, is fasting or starving, or follows a strict very low carbohydrate diet, the cells must use a higher percentage of fat for energy than normal. Under these conditions of very low glucose levels, there is not enough glucose for cells to metabolize fat efficiently for energy, and as a result, excessive amounts of ketones are formed.

A condition called ketosis develops when these compounds accumulate in the blood. If not treated, severe ketosis can result in the loss of consciousness, and even death.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance for carbohydrates is 130 g/day or 4.6 ounces/day. This amount of carbohydrate (520 kcal) per day should be enough to prevent ketosis in a normal healthy person.

The last point worth mentioning is that poorly controlled diabetes will increase the concentration of ketones in the body.

Cut to the Chase
Dangerously high levels of ketones (aka ketoacidosis) is a serious condition that can lead to coma (passing out for a long time) or even death. Ketoacidosis may happen to people with type 1 diabetes, or when starving.

Therefore, if you have excessive ketone molecules in your body, it would be wise to seek immediate medical advice. FYI, a fruity breath odor is a classic sign of ketoacidosis.

More information on the signs and symptoms of ketoacidosis may be found at:

The above information is provided with the understanding that the provider is not engaged in rendering medical advice or recommendation. You should not rely on any information in this page to replace consultations with qualified health care professionals to meet your individual medical needs.

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