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This would consist of several series of lines corresponding to the energies of electron transitions. They are bright lines for an emission spectrum and dark for absorbtion.

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Q: Image of emission or absorption spectrum of manganese?
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What part allows you to view the image on the stage and contains the ocular lens?

The eyepiece, also known as the ocular lens, is the part that allows you to view the image on the stage through a microscope.

Could you say that the dark image on the photographic film is due to fluorescence why?

Fluorescence typically results in bright emission of light when a material absorbs light at a different wavelength. If there is a dark image on the photographic film due to fluorescence, it is more likely caused by lack of fluorescent emission rather than fluorescence itself. This could be due to a lack of suitable excitation light, improper selection of fluorescent dyes, or insufficient concentration of fluorophores on the film.

What is example of signifier and signified?

An example of signifier and signified is the word "dog." The signifier is the spoken/written word "dog," while the signified is the mental concept or image we have of a four-legged domestic animal typically kept as a pet.

What is grayscale slicing?

Grayscale slicing involves transforming an image into a binary image by selecting a specific intensity level and then classifying pixels as either foreground or background based on whether their intensity values are above or below the chosen threshold. It is a simple method for segmentation in image processing.

What is the blank Compound microscopes focus light through to produce a magnified image?

The blank is called the condenser. It focuses light onto the specimen to produce a magnified image.

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Is a device that breaks light into colors and produces an image of the spectrum called electromagnetic spectrum?

No, a device that breaks light into colors and produces an image of the spectrum is called a spectroscope. The electromagnetic spectrum refers to the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

What is the Latin meaning of spectrum?

The Latin meaning of spectrum is image or apparition. Spectrum was used to designate a ghostly optical afterimage by Goethe in his Theory of Colors and Schopenhauer in On Vision and Colors.

What does spectograph do?

A Spectograph breaks light into colors and produces and image of the resulting spectrum.

Which type of photography captures light in regions below or above the visible spectrum and renders it as a visible image?

Infrared photography captures light in regions below the visible spectrum and renders it as a visible image. It involves using film or sensors sensitive to infrared light to create unique and ethereal images.

UV-vis spectra of sunset yellow?

Sunset Yellow, also known as FD&C Yellow No. 6, has an absorption peak in the visible region around 480-490 nm due to its characteristic yellow color. Its UV-vis spectrum typically shows a peak in this region corresponding to its absorption of light. The spectrum may also show additional peaks or shoulders depending on the specific molecular environment of the Sunset Yellow molecules being measured.

What has the author Cecil Leeburn Wilson written?

Cecil Leeburn Wilson has written: 'Comprehensive analytical chemistry' 'Micro-tests for elements in organic compounds' 'CS1' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Transistors 'Effect of resolution and image quality on combined optical and neural network fingerprint matching' -- subject(s): Fingerprints, Fourier transform optics, Image quality, Imaging systems 'The variation with temperature of the absorption spectrum of solid europium chloride'

What is a brain-imaging method in which radioactive glucose is injected into the subject and a computer compiles a color-coded image of the activity of the brain?

PET or positron emission tomography

What is spec imaging?

It is not "spec" imaging but SPECT (single proton emission computed tomography) imaging. It uses gamma rays and provides a true 3D image.

Why you turn ON the temperature regulator of the CCD before taking images or spectrum?

Due to the way CCD's work the higher the temperature the more random noise it will collect in an image. By reducing its temperature it increase the accuracy of an image.

How many bands of data are in a panchromatic image?

A panchromatic image typically consists of a single band of data, capturing light across a broad spectrum. This band combines all visible wavelengths into a grayscale image, offering high spatial resolution but limited spectral information.

As you move from left to right across the electromagnetic spectrum in the image the wavelength becomes?

Shorter. The wavelength of electromagnetic waves decreases as you move from left to right across the spectrum, starting with radio waves and ending with gamma rays.

Why is the CCD important?

A charge-coupled device (CCD) is a light-sensitive integrated circuit that stores and displays the data for an image in such a way that each pixel (picture element) in the image is converted into an electrical charge the intensity of which is related to a color in the color spectrum.