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A hydroxyl ion has the electrical charge -1.

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Q: In bases you find hydroxyl ions which have?
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What chemical releases hydroxyl ion in a solution?

Bases releases hydroxyl ions in a solution.

What donates hydroxyl ions?

Dissociation of a base produce hydroxyl ions.

What is acidity of bases?

The number of replaceable hydroxyl (OH-) Ions in a base is called the acidity of that base.

What is a substance that releases hydroxyl ions in a water?

A substance that releases hydroxyl ions in water is a base. Bases are substances which in water, becomes slippery, has a bitter taste, changes indicator color, forms salts with acids and promotes base catalysis. Alkaline earth materials is an example of a base.

How do hydroxyl ions and hydronium ions affect pH?

As the concentration of hydronium ions (H+ ions) increases or as the concentration of hydroxyl ions (OH- ions) decreases, the pH of the solution decreases

How do hydroxyl ions form?

A hydroxyl ion is a component of a base.

How does pH vary with hydronium and hydroxyl ions concentrated in water?

The meaning of more hydroxyl ions is a higher pH.

What is th formula for a weak base?

There is no such formula, but most bases are weak except hydroxyl ions OH- and some uncommon ones.

What is the substance that produces hydroxyl ions when dissolved in water is a?

If a substance produces hydroxyl ions (OH-) when dissolved in water, it is referred to as a BASE.

How is the concentration of hydroxyl ions affected when excess base is dissolved in a solution sodium hydroxide?

The concentration oh hydroxyl ions (OH)- is increased.

What is the difference between hydroxide ions and hydronium ions?

Their are hydroxyl ions not hydroxide ions. They are OH- . hydronium ions are H3O+ . Presence of hydroxyl ionsin a compound shows its basic nature whereas presence of hydronium ions in a compound shows its acidic nature .

What is special in tooth paste which prevent tooth decay?

When bacteria digest food in our mouths, they release weak acids, especially when we eat sugars. Acids are chemicals that release positively charged hydrogen ions when dissolved in solutions such as saliva. Our teeth have a hard covering called enamel that is weakly basic. Bases are chemicals that release negatively charged ions called hydroxyl ions when dissolved in solution. When bacteria make our mouth acidic, the acid reacts with our enamel, removing hydroxyl ions, causing tooth decay. The active ingredient in toothpaste is a fluoride salt. When toothpaste dissolves in our mouths, negatively charged fluoride ions are released. The fluoride ions are similar to other hydroxyl ions in that they are negatively charged and can take the place of hydroxyl ions that have reacted with acid. Also, fluoride ions don't react with acid as easily as the hydroxyl ions, making enamel more resistant to decay.