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This fact is called the conservation of mass.

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This is the Law of Conservation of Mass

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Q: In every chemical reaction the total mass of the reactants always equals the total mass of the products.this fact is known as the?
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In a balanced chemical reaction the total mass of the products always equals the total what?

In a balanced chemical reaction the total mass of the products always equals the total mass of reactants; this is the law of mass conservation.

How are reactants converted to products in an elementary reaction?

A product of a chemical reaction is the substance that is formed.

What is the name given to the substances at the start of a reaction?

The chemicals at the start of a reaction are always called the reactants.The chemicals at the end of a reaction are always called the products.

What are the reactions and products in the chemical reaction?

In a reaction which is not reversible the reactants are always written on the start point of the reaction arrow and products are always written on the end point of the arrow. On the other hand, if you have an equilibrium, then determining reactants and products is a little different.

What are the products in a chemical reaction-?

Answer this question… The starting substances

Are the masses of products and reactants always equal?

Yes, in a chemical reaction matter (mass) can not be crated or destroyed).

What happenes to chemical bonds during chemical reaction?

In a chemical reaction, the bonds of the reactants are broken. The atoms will rearrange and new bonds will form.

Chemical reactions always involve changes in a chemical?

There will always be changes in one of the reactants. In some chemical reactions, one of the chemicals works as a catalyst to encourage a reaction between two or more chemicals but does not change during the reaction.

Define products in a chemical reaction?

They are substances formed by a chemical reaction. All atoms that are present in the reactants are present in the product. Products are always on the RIGHT of the formula.Exothermic reaction:Ex: Reactants--->Products + EnergyEndothermic reaction:Ex: Reactants+energy--> Products...Reactants...............Products{6CO2+6H2O}--->{C2H12O6+6O2 }

What are reactants and products?

Reactants (or 'substrates') are two or more elements/ compounds that chemically interact to form a new substance. They are the starting materials for a reaction and are always found at the left side of a chemical equations.A reactant is one of the inputs in a reaction, that get changedThe word reactant is used in chemistry. A substance that has a reaction and undergoes a change is considered reactant.

What is the difference between a reactant and a product in a chemical reaction?

Substances initially present in a chemical reaction that are consumed during the reaction or a substance that participates in a chemical reaction, esp a substance that is present at the start of the reaction while the end product of some chemical reactions yield products.