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This is a general law of nature - the law of mass conservation.

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6y ago

The law of mass conservation is general valid in a closed system.

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Mass is conserved. It is a law of nature.

Is mass conserved when nickel reacts chemically?

Yes. Basically, mass is always conserved.Yes. Basically, mass is always conserved.Yes. Basically, mass is always conserved.Yes. Basically, mass is always conserved.

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It depends on the situation

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Its conserved during the combustion of anything - the mass of the products is always equal to the mass of the materials that react.

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Acceleration is not conserved. Energy can not be created nor destroyed. Mass and momentum are both conserved through a set time.

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Mass (Matter) and Energy is conserved during a Chemical equation

What would you have to do in order to prove that mass is conserved during combustion reactions?

You can weight the mass of the material to be burned and the masses of products

In a nuclear reaction WHAT does not have to be conserved?

While overall ENERGY has to be conserved, MASS does not. In a nuclear reaction mass can be converted into energy so the mass of the products may be less than the mass of the reactants. The difference in mass is converted into energy as Einstein's equation describes (E=MC squared). In a chemical reaction MASS has to be conserved.

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Mass and energy