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13.atoms with Oxidation state of -3 fall in group 13 . Cha cha!

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Q: In which group do the elements ussually orm oxides which have the general formula M2O3?
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What is the difference between oxide and super oxide?

normal oxides of metals have general formula M3O. & super oxides have general formula MO2. super oxides are coloured & paramagnetic in nature due to presence of unpaired electrons.on moving down side the group tendency to form super oxides increases.& that of normal oxides decreases. oxides of metals on dissolving in water form their hydroxides only.while super oxides form hydroxides with the release of H2O2 & H2.

What kinds of compounds do metals ussually forms?

Ex.: oxides, sulphides, nitrides, carbides, hydrides, selenides, arsenides, borides, oxides, hydroxides, etc.

What are elements that use oxygen in their chemical formula?

All oxides, peroxides, superoxides, ozonides and compounds with oxy-anions have oxygen atoms in them.

Are sulfur carbon and oxygen oxides?

No, sulfur, carbon and oxygen are elements not oxides.

Chemical formula potassium oxides?

Formula: K2O

What is the chemical formula for oxides?

The chemical formula for oxide is O2−

Acid rain is composed mainly of the oxides of two elements give either?

sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)

What is the chemical formula for beryllium and oxygen?

Beryllium Oxides equation is: BeO

What is the General formulae for group 1 metal oxides?

There is no single answer to this question as different group one metals form different oxides. We would expect group one elements to form M2O oxides but in fact only lithium does this when burnt. The other elements more easily lose electrons from their second outermost shell so can form peroxides M2O2, superoxides MO2 or even higher oxidation state oxides. For example Caesium can form Cs7O.

What happens to the elements in fuels when they are burnt?

turns into oxides

What is the substance formed when elements burn in oxygen?

Those would be the "oxides" of the elements burned.

What elements do you need to make oxides?

Oxygen and a reactive metal