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rate of collisions between particles. average velocity of the particles.

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rate of collisions between particles.

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Q: Increasing the temperature of a reaction increases the?
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What factors increases the reaction rate by increasing particle speed?

increasing temperature

As the temperature of a chemical reaction in the gas phase is increased the rate of the reaction increases because?

Increasing the temperature generally increases the speed with which molecules move.

How does increasing the temperature effect a chemical reaction?

Raising the temperature makes chemical reactions faster.

How does changing the temperature of solutions affect the rate of reactions?

In most cases, increasing the temperature increases the rate of the reaction.

In general what is the relationship between reaction rate and temperature?

As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases, so the rate of diffusion also increases.

When Increasing the concentration and increasing the temp both increase the reaction rates based on which physical phenomenon?

The kinetic energy of the reactants. By increasing the concentration, there are more reactant particles available for the reaction, and increasing the temperature increases the kinetic energy so the reactants come in contact more often, and the reaction rate increases.

Which has higer rate of reaction the one with higher temperature or not?

The greater the temperature, the faster the rate of reaction. This is due to the fact that increasing temperature increases the activation energy, which is the amount of energy needed to get a reaction started.

What can increase the chance of a reaction when two molecules collide?

An increase in the temperature usually increases the rate of reaction by increasing the number of collisions.

How is the rate of reaction affected when the temperature increases?

As the temperature increases, the reaction time decreases.

What is a main reason that an increase in temperature increases the rate of a chemical reaction?

Temperature is the measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules involved. If the temperature increases, then the kinetic energy of the molecules increases and they move faster. Faster moving molecules have more collisions with other molecules and more forcefully. For a reaction to occur, the molecules have to line up correctly and with adequate force. By increasing the speed of the particles, you are increasing the chance that the two molecules will align and produce a reaction.

Increasing the temperature increases the rate of a reaction by?

An increase in temperature is an increase in kinetic energy. This causes there to be an increase in the collision frequency as well, so the rate of reaction goes up.

Why does physisorption decreases with increasing temperature?

physisorption is an exothermic according to le chatlier's principle,as temperature increases,backward reaction is favoured