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PCl3 would not be ionic because is isn't between a metal and a non metal. Thus, it would be predominantly covalent. It has a trigonal pyrimidal shape, and is POLAR. So, the answer is
polar covalent.

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13y ago

There is no such compound ac PCI3

However, PCl3 (with a lowercase L) is a polar substance.

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Q: Is PCI3 a non colvalent bond or polarcovalent or ionic?
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If it's a non-metal and non-metal, it is a colvalent bond. If it's metal and non-metal or metal and metal, then it is ionic. Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4 / Magnesium + Sulfate) is IONICbecause it is a metal and non-metal but it has a convalent bond in it, which is SO4 (Sulfur + Oxygen).

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