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Yes. The rust on the penny indicates that a reaction between the penny and its environment has occurred. Since a new material was formed from this reaction (the rust) the reaction must be a chemical reaction.

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Q: Is a rusty penny an example of a chemical reaction true or false?
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Is dissolution of a copper penny in nitric acid a chemical reaction?

Yes. Dissolution of a copper penny would indeed be a chemical reaction.

Is cleaning a penny with vinegar and salt a physical or chemical change?

It is a chemical reaction and this is the correct way to spell penny!

Is turning a penny gold a chemical or physical reaction?

Anything else then dropping it in molten gold is chemical

Is putting a penny in lemon juice a physical or chemical change?

physical reaction

How is putting ketchup on a penny a chemical reaction?

it's not. tell whoever told you that to go back to pre-school.

In certain liquids does a penny rust?

Unless you have a penny made out of Iron, then no. It will not rust. The concept of rusting refers to Iron and Oxygen having a chemical reaction to made a new material.

Who invented how to clean a penny with vinegar?

It's simply a chemical reaction of acetic acid and copper. It doesn't have a specific inventor.

What happens when a penny comes in contact with carbon?

Nothing. There is no chemical reaction that occurs only between the elements carbon and copper.

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What is the Reaction when penny mix with carbonated beverages?

most people would say it will clean the penny or desolve it but it's totaly false I've tryed it many times and it's never worked so it basikly won't do anything but give you a sticky penny

According to other resource neil sedaka wrote penny arcade true or false?

False, Penny Arcade was written by Sammy King.

Is a blackened penny a physical or chemical change?
