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It's a physical action without toothpaste. Many toothpaste have inactive ingredients, and are only there to "taste good". Toothpaste with fluoride, baking soda, and other common dental ingredients will undergo small chemical changes when they come in contact with water (when baking soda in water come together it creates a chemical reaction). So in some respects it's both!

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15y ago
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12y ago

Without toothpaste it is a physical change. With toothpaste it is a chemical change. :)

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2mo ago

Brushing your teeth is a physical change, not a chemical change. The act of brushing helps remove plaque and food particles mechanically, without altering the chemical composition of the teeth or toothpaste.

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11y ago

Brushing teeth is not a chemical reaction;

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10y ago

Brushing is a mechanical process; but toothpaste is a chemical product.

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How many liters of water per mintune is wasted when brushing teeth?

On average, a person wastes about 2 liters of water per minute while brushing their teeth with the faucet running.

How many gallons of water do you use brushing your teeth?

On average, a person uses about 1-2 gallons of water while brushing their teeth. However, turning off the tap while brushing can significantly reduce the amount of water wasted.

How many times is ok to use bakingsoda when brushing your teeth?

It is recommended to use baking soda for brushing your teeth no more than two to three times per week. Excessive use of baking soda can wear down tooth enamel and lead to tooth sensitivity. It is best to alternate with regular toothpaste for daily oral hygiene.

How does tooth paste remove stains from teeth?

Toothpaste contains abrasive particles, such as silica, that help physically scrub away surface stains on teeth. In addition, toothpaste may also contain active ingredients like fluoride or whitening agents that can help break down and remove stains through chemical action. Brushing with toothpaste regularly can help prevent and remove stains on teeth.

What will happen if you brush your teeth with dish soap?

Brushing your teeth with dish soap is not recommended as it can be harmful if ingested. Dish soap may contain ingredients that are not safe for oral use and may cause irritation, dryness, or even chemical burns in the mouth. Stick to using toothpaste specifically designed for oral care to ensure the health and safety of your teeth and gums.

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