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Q: Is deoxyribose a monosaccharide a disaccharide or a polysaccharide?
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Is fructose a monosaccharide polysaccharide or disaccharide?

Fructose is a monosaccharide.

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What are the three basic structures of a carbohydrate?

Monosaccharide , Disaccharide, Polysaccharide

What would provide the body with most energy?

breaking the bonds in a disaccharide/ polysaccharide

Is deoxyribose a disaccharide?

No. It is a 5-carbon monosaccharide with the molecular formula C5H10O4 .

What molecules is not a monosaccharide glucose fructose deoxyribose starch?

Sucrose is composed of one molecule of glucose linked to one molecule of fructose, and is therefore a disaccharide.ANSWER ITWhich of the following are not molecules? A.NaClB.MgCl2C.AgD.AlE.C3H8AG AND AL ARE NOT MOLECULESapex ;)

What do complex carbohydrates breakdown into?

simple sugars known as saccharides. monosaccharide - 1 disaccharide - 2 polysaccharide - 3 or more

What monosaccharide is starch composed of?

Starch is a polysaccharide, not a disaccharide, as it is a polymer of many sugar units. A disaccharide would contain just two units (for example, sucrose).

How many carbohydrates are there in coconut water?

there three types of carbohydrates 1- monosaccharide 2-disaccharide 3- polysaccharide

Is lactose a polysaccharide or a disaccharide?


Is DNA a type of polysacchride?

No. DNA is a nucleic acid. Polysaccharides are carbohydrates. DNA's backbone does contain deoxyribose (a monosaccharide) but this in no respect makes DNA a polysaccharide.

Is cellulose a disaccharide?

Cellulose is a polysaccharide, not a disaccharide