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A mixture of dried peas and beans is?æ heterogeneous.?æ?æ Heterogeneous mixture is one whose constituents can be separated easily by physical means.

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Q: Is dried peas and beans a homogeneous heterogeneous solutions suspensions or colloidal mixture?
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How are solutions and suspensions different?

Solutions are homogeneous mixtures; suspensions are heterogeneous mixtures;

2 kinds of mixture?

There are two types of mixtures:1. Homogeneous mixture - a mixture in which all the constituents are uniform throughout the mixture. Solutions are examples of homogeneous mixtures.2. Heterogeneous Mixture - a mixture in which the composition is easily identified. Suspensions are examples of heterogeneous mixtures.

Do homogeneous mixtures include colloids solutions and suspensions?

A solution is a homogeneous mixture.

Is solutions heterogeneous?

A heterogeneous solution combines 2 or more solutions that are not chemically combined. A homogeneous solution is when the components are uniformly distributed.

Any mixture that is heterogeneous on a microscopic level?

all the colloidal solutions or emultios are microscopically heterogeneous....

What are the classification of solutions according to phases?

Homogeneous and heterogeneous solutions

What is a heterogeneous and homogeneous solution?

A heterogeneous solution combines 2 or more solutions that are not chemically combined. A homogeneous solution is when the components are uniformly distributed.

Is a solutions a homogeneous?

a solution can either be homogeneous or heterogeneous. if you can see the parts, it is heterogeneous. if you cant see the parts, it is homogeneous (an example is milk)

How are solutions and colloids alike?

how are solutions suspensions and colloids alike

Are heterogeneous and homogeneous similar?

Both r solutions

How are the solutions classified?

A solution classified as: Uniform mixture .

What is the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture?

A homogeneous mixture is a substance that is uniform in composition. Solutions are examples of homogeneous mixtures. A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the composition is easily identified, as there are two or more phases present. Suspensions are examples of heterogeneous mixtures. Particle size distinguishes homogeneous solutions from other heterogeneous mixtures. Solutions have particles which are the size of atoms or molecules - too small to be seen. In contrast a suspension is a heterogeneous mixture of larger particles. These particles are visible and will settle out on standing. Corn oil, white vinegar a saturated sugar solution is homogeneous since only a colorless liquid is observed. Air with no dust is also a homogeneous. Beach sand is heterogeneous since you can see different colored particles. Vinegar and oil salad dressing is heterogeneous since two liquid layers are present, as well as solids. Air with clouds is heterogeneous, as the clouds contain tiny droplets of liquid water.