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Yes, Turning an egg into an omelette is a chemical change. This is because, generally, a chemical change usually makes a new substance and the change cannot be reversed, and we can obliviously not turn an omelette back to an egg. Our new substance is the riped eggs, which released chemicals while you making yourself an omelette. So, omelettes are chemical changes towards eggs.

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Q: Is egg turning into an omlette a chemical change?
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Is an egg turned into an omlette a physical or chemical change?

at a guess, my sister and i say physical

Is eggs turning into omlettes a physical or chemical change?

It is chemical because the nature of the chemical has changed.Physical changes including chopping, grinding, dissolving, melting, freezing, and boiling. An omlette cannot be turned back into an egg. The egg protein has changed its chemical nature. Physical change alters the form or appearance of a material without changing the chemical composition.

Is turing eggs into an omelette a chemical or physical?

Eggs turning into an omelette is a chemical change. When you cook eggs, they will most likely bubble or fizz. Bubbling or fizzing is a sign of a chemical change. Also, once the egg is turned into an omelette, you are never able to change it back into an egg. Physical changes are reversible, and chemical changes are not easily reversed. Eggs turning into an omelette is a chemical change. Hope I helped :)

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