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hydrochloric acid a strong corrosive acid which is infact present in the stomach of mammals.This contributes to a non-specific immune response but differs with the rest of the defence system because it does not depend on presence of antigens/foreign particles to get to work. In simple words,HCl kills toxic bacteria in food IF it is present.It is highly likely that there is a trace of bacteria now matter how much careful we are but before this can harm us,it is destroyed by the strong acid.HCl or the stomach lining that produces it has no way of knowing how much bacteria is present in the food we eat.It simply produces it 'just' incase. Finally,HCl,despite being very corrosive is not able to dissolve the stomach due to thick stomach lining whose cells are continuously replaced.However,some people have 'acidity',which means there is more acid and less food,so stomach lining feels irritated. hydrochloric acid a strong corrosive acid which is infact present in the stomach of mammals.This contributes to a non-specific immune response but differs with the rest of the defence system because it does not depend on presence of antigens/foreign particles to get to work. In simple words,HCl kills toxic bacteria in food IF it is present.It is highly likely that there is a trace of bacteria now matter how much careful we are but before this can harm us,it is destroyed by the strong acid.HCl or the stomach lining that produces it has no way of knowing how much bacteria is present in the food we eat.It simply produces it 'just' incase. Finally,HCl,despite being very corrosive is not able to dissolve the stomach due to thick stomach lining whose cells are continuously replaced.However,some people have 'acidity',which means there is more acid and less food,so stomach lining feels irritated. In this case, this is what you call a 'stomach pain' and one solution commomly available is the milk of magnesia, which is often in hte form of capsules, it is more towards the alkaline side, so it neutralises the acids in the stomach, so you feel better hydrochloric acid a strong corrosive acid which is infact present in the stomach of mammals.This contributes to a non-specific immune response but differs with the rest of the defence system because it does not depend on presence of antigens/foreign particles to get to work. In simple words,HCl kills toxic bacteria in food IF it is present.It is highly likely that there is a trace of bacteria now matter how much careful we are but before this can harm us,it is destroyed by the strong acid.HCl or the stomach lining that produces it has no way of knowing how much bacteria is present in the food we eat.It simply produces it 'just' incase. Finally,HCl,despite being very corrosive is not able to dissolve the stomach due to thick stomach lining whose cells are continuously replaced.However,some people have 'acidity',which means there is more acid and less food,so stomach lining feels irritated.

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It is true but HCl is not a barrier against all pathogen bacteries.

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