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It is unevenly because of many different person's jobs and how much income each job has. Some jobs do not pay you very much and some distribute alot. That's why it is unevenly.

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Q: Is income in the US distributed evenly or unevenly?
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Which is distributed more unequally in US income or wealth?

Income is a flow variable of economics and measures the amount of money earned over a period of time whereas wealth is a stock variable and is the net worth (total assets - total liabilities) of a person defined at a specific point of time. In US, the Gini coefficient(which varies for 0 to 1, with 0 representing complete equality and 1 representing total inequality) is an effective measure of the extent of income and wealth inequality. Over the years the gini index for wealth has been greater then that of income. Hence, wealth is more unevenly distributed in the US.

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They are distributed strictly in proportion to the population of each State, which seems pretty even.

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The median income in the US in 1977 was $13,570. The median income for 2013 in the US was $51,371.

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Approximately of US$1.657 trillion; per capita income is about US$15,100.

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What is a commonly used gauge to determine the distribution of income in any given country?

In the US and abroad, the so called poverty rate is often used as a measure of how well income is distributed. This works to a good degree in more developed economies, more so than in impoverished nations where it can be said that basically everyone is suffering from poverty.

Is it right to believe that you should not owe any US tax if you did not make ANY US income in the financial year?

If you are a US citizen or resident alien, then your worldwide income, not just your US income, is subject to US taxes. Certain credits and exclusions apply.