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Partially, electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract electrons, there by becoming an anion.

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Q: Is it true that electronegativity is the ability of an anion to attract another anion?
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The bonds in NaCl form because?

Because sodium has a low electronegativity and chlorine has a high electronegativity; sodium become a cation and chlorine an anion.

Why does chemical reaction occurred?

according to difference in electronegativity of elements(+ cation , - anion) , activity of elements

What is an an anion?

AnionA negatively charged ion. For further information you can say PANC (Positive Anode and Negative Cathode). This is used in electric cell. Anions attract to Anode and Cations attract to Cathode.

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Opposites attract! eg. (+) = cation, (-) = anion IONIC LATTIce (+) (-) (+) (-) (-) (+) (-) (+) (+) (-) (+) (-) (-) (+) (-) (+)

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What is the other name of negative ion?

Another name for a negative ion is anion...while a postivie one is a cation.

What happens to the electrons in a formation of an ionic bond?

Example. Sodium, Na, donates an electron to chlorine, Cl because chlorine's electronegativity is much greater than sodium. So, both achieve the octet state this way and as opposite charges attract they are ionically bonded. Na + A cation and Cl - An anion Form. NaCl Sodium chloride.

Is chloride an anion?

The chlorine ion C1 is considered a type of cation. It is considered a cation due to its ability to gain electrons.

Is PO4 a cation or an anion?

polyatomic anion

How are the electronegativity values used to determine the type of bond that exist between to atoms?

Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons (or electron density) to itself. The bonds you're talking about are ionic, polar covalent and pure covalent. In ionic bonds one atom (the anion) hogs the electrons, so the higher the difference in EN the more likely it is ionic. Salts, eg NaCl, are ionic. In pure covalent bonds the electrons shared are shared equally between the two atoms. The smaller the difference in EN the more likely it is pure covalent. Oxygen gas, O2, shares a pure covalent bond. In between the two exist the polar covalent bonds. Their electronegativity is between pure covalent and ionic. They share their electrons however are slightly unequal. Water has polar covalent bonds. Exact numbers differentiating the three vary from place to place so it is best to ask your professor what they accept.

Are salts bases?

Salts are salts and bases are another class of compounds: they contain the anion OH-.

Is phosphate an anion or cation?

Phosphate is a triply charged polyatomic anion.