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Q: Is it usually possible to observe physical objects breaking physical laws?
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When you observe objects in space why does it seem that the objects you observe are moving across the sky?

Because the earth is rotating.

What tools are used to observe objects?

Tools such as magnifying glasses and microscopes can be used to better observe objects.

What are 2 physical properties?

...Sounds like your taking basic chemistry:P Two physical properties are color and elasticity. So you understand physical properties are anything you can observe and do not change the objects chemical makeup.

Is it a physical change or a physical property that you observe when you observe the crushing of copper sulfate?

its a physical change call me at 9529753952

How can you observe objects in space?


What properties would you observe when you use a metric ruler?

You would observe the length of objects.

How do things observe?

Things observe objects by capturing light rays reflected by the objects. The information in the captured rays are processed by the brain or electronically to produce an image.

What is a device that is used to observe distant objects?

A telescope.

Do periscopes allow you to see hidden objects?

No, periscopes allow you to observe objects while you are hidden.

What are physical and natural features?

physical features are features in which you can observe by your eyes.

What objects did Isacc Newton observe to discover gravity?

An apple

What tools do you use to observe objects in space?
