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Yes, lead is a metallic solid, and therefore facilitates the transfer of heat (energy) better than other solids.

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Q: Is lead a better conductor of heat than glass?
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Is a iron nail a good heat conductor?

Yes. But, compared to what? Better than lead but not as good as silver.

Is lead a good conductor of heat?


Does glass lead heat?

Yes, glass will conduct heat, only not as well as metals.

Why is lead a poor conductor of electricity but a good conductor of heat?

The reason for this is that lead readily reacts with the atmospheric oxygen to forms lead oxide. Lead oxide that has been formed does not have any free electrons. Therefore, it is not able to pass electricity. As, lead exists in the form of lead oxide in which, free electrons are not available.

Is lead conductor?

Lead has high resistivity of current. So , lead is not conduct current. But lead has low resistivity of heat and it conduct heat..

Is lead a cconductor or insulator of heat?

Like all metals, a conductor, but not as good a conductor as, for example, silver or copper.

A good heat conductor is a?

Copper, aluminum, gold, iron, silver, lead, tin, platinum, nickel, tungsten A and example of a good conductor of heat is a metal.

Examples of bad conductor of heat?

Most things are not conductors of heat, or electricity. This means that the substances contain a large number of free electrons. Some of these are water, plastic, rubber, glass, lead, and wood.

Soft low melting solid which is a good conductor of heat?

The metal lead. Solid at room temps, low melting point, good conductor of heat and electricity.

Can lead coated with gold particles become a conductor of electricity?

The metal lead is already a conductor: it is used on battery connections in automobiles. However, a coating of gold would make it a better conductor of electric current.

Is a lead of a pencil conductor or insulator.?

No. Lead is a realtively good conductor. The insulator is the wood on the outside of the lead.

Is lead a good conductor of electricity?

Lead is a good conductor. Conductor Lead is a metal and it will conduct electricity. A pencil lead is made of graphite, a type of soft carbon. This is a non-metal, but it does conduct electricity. Conduct