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Neither. Magnesium sulphate is ionic; individually the sulphate ion is polar.

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Q: Is magnesium sulfate polar or non polar?
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What would happen if petrol was mixed with magnesium sulfate?

Petrol is a non polar solvent. Magnesium sulfate is a polar solution. Therefore these two solutions will not dissolve in each other.

Is Epsom salt polar or non polar?

Epsom salts, magnesium sulfate, is polar. Rule of thumb: All salts are polar.

Is MgSO4magnesium sulfate polar or nonpolar?

Def. non-polar

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It is Nonpolar

What type of bond is magnesium sulfate?

If it's a non-metal and non-metal, it is a colvalent bond. If it's metal and non-metal or metal and metal, then it is ionic. Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4 / Magnesium + Sulfate) is IONICbecause it is a metal and non-metal but it has a convalent bond in it, which is SO4 (Sulfur + Oxygen).

What type of bond is magnesium?

If it's a non-metal and non-metal, it is a colvalent bond. If it's metal and non-metal or metal and metal, then it is ionic. Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4 / Magnesium + Sulfate) is IONICbecause it is a metal and non-metal but it has a convalent bond in it, which is SO4 (Sulfur + Oxygen).

Why is calcium sulfate not soluble in non polar substances?

Calcium sulfate has ionic bonds.

Is magnesium sulphate a metal or non metal?

Magnesium sulfate is a compound, and the terms metal a nonmetal do not apply to it.

Does Magnesium oxide have ionic or covalent bond or has it polar or non-polar bonding?

Magnesium oxide has ionic bonds between magnesium and oxide ions.

Is magnesium sulfide a ionic or covalent compound?

It depends on the rule you use to classify it. Magnesium Sulfide is ionic, if using the metal-nonmetal rule. It is polar covalent, if using the 1.7 electronegativity difference rule. Both these rules are generalizations.

What is the Chemical name of Epsom salts?

Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate crystals.

What does magnesium have to react with to produce magnesium sulfate?

Magnesium will react with sulfuric acid to produce magnesium sulfate.