

Is magnesuim a metal

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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yes and a alkaline earth metal to be exact

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12y ago
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Q: Is magnesuim a metal
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Magnesium is a metal element. There are 12 electrons in a single atom.

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Magnesium is just an element. Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is a compound which contains the element magnesium.

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Formula: MgI2

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magnesium oxide is a compound .

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Formula: MgCl2

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Magnesium is symbolized by Mg .

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Is magnesuim a ferrous metal?

"Ferrous" is a word that means "iron". A ferrous metal is a metal that is derived from iron or is an iron alloy, and cannot exist without being bonded to iron. Magnesium is its own chemical element, and does not include elements of iron innately. It can exist independently of iron molecules, so it is called "non-ferrous".

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MgBr MgBr2