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Yes, melting point is a physical property, because it's only a state change, and doesn't change iron on molecular level (the substances that make it)

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Q: Is melting point physical property of iron?
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Is the melting point of iron a chemmical property?

no because it does not change the substance

Is melting iron physical change or physical property or chemical change or chemical property?

Physical change

What the physical properties of iron?

The Melting point of iron is 1536 deegrees. The density is 7.87cm3. The boiling point of Iron is 2750 deegrees.

What are the physical properties of iron?

The Melting point of iron is 1536 deegrees. The density is 7.87cm3. The boiling point of Iron is 2750 deegrees.

Is melting a iron rod a physical change?

Melting an iron rod is a physical change

What is melting point of iron nanopowder?

The melting point of iron (nanopowder or not) is 1 538 0C.

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Granite has a higher melting point than iron.

What is a example of a physical change of iron?

Melting is a physical change of iron.

What are the physical properties of iron nail?

A few physical properties of an iron nail are its mass, volume, and density.

Is melting iron is a or physical change?

Melting of any element, including iron, is a physical change. Melting is just a transition between states of matter, from solid to liquid. The solid state of iron can be regained if the liquid iron is cooled; so this denotes a physical change. There is no change to the chemical composition of iron during melting.

What is the melting and boiling point of iron?

Melting point -38.83 °C Boiling Point -182.95 °C

What are the properties of iron nail?

Five physical properties of an iron nail are: Solid Metallic luster Malleable definite melting point gray colour