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Q: Is mixing two substances and light is produced a chemical or physical change?
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What is produced by a chemical change?

Unlike a physical change, a chemical change produces new substances with properties different from those of the original substances.

Is mixing nitric and copper metal a physical change?

It is a chemical change. As new substances are produced.

Is Molding food a chemical or physical change and why?

its a physical joking its a chemical change a physical is one substances, and a chemical change is two or more substances so the answer is to food molding a chemical change

Does not change a substances identity physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change.

Is it a physical change or a chemical change when substances combine to make new substances with new properties?

Chemical change.

When substances are formed that are different from the starting substances has physical change occurred?

A chemical reaction is a chemical change.

Is a new substances produced in a chemical change?

It depends , how many are produced .

Is ability to react with other substances chemical or physical?

This is a chemical reaction. When substances change you can call it chemical.

What are facts about physical and chemical change?

Chemical changes take place on the molecular level

When sugar is dissolving is that a chemical or physical change?

The change is physical because the change is reversible. Evaporate the water and you are left with the sugar, no new substances are produced; the sugar stays sugar and the water, water.

Is a burning wood into ashes and smoke a physical or chemical change?

Burning wood is a chemical change - although, like most chemical changes it is accompanied by a physical change. Usually we reserve the term physical changes for things like erosion, melting, or evaporation where no change in composition occurs.

How is chemical change different from physical change?

During a chemical change the nature of substances is changed.