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Rotting leaves are complex mixtures.

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Q: Is rotting leaves a element mixture or compound?
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Are rotting leaves a mixture?

I think it is a mixture because it doesn't have bonds. By Jason Liu

What is iced tea a compound mixture or a element?

It's a mixture. To be specific, a compound is a substance which is made up of similar constituent particles which may be two or more. It is uniform in composition throughout. Therefore, tea is a mixture because it is made up of many individual substances which are mixture themselves.

Is A piece of lumber is an element or compound or mixture?

ans2. Balsa is a hardwood because of its broad leaves and its flowers.It is the softest commercially harvested hardwood. It is also very light.of the questions choices, mixture would be the best fit.maybe

Is french dressing a compound mixture or element?

An element is a primary constituent of matter and would appear on the periodic table. French dressing does not appear on the periodic table and is therefore not an element. A compound is a substance formed when two or more elements are chemically bonded together. French dressing is not the chemical bonding of two or more elements. This leaves mixture and this is what french dressing is

Is partially hydrogenated soybean oil an element compound or mixture?

Well, you know it is not an element. It is made of carbon and hydrogen to start with and I haven't seen oil on the periodic table.So, we're trying to decide between compound and mixture. What is the identifying characteristic of compounds? They have definite composition.Ask yourself, "Does this stuff come out the exact same every time it's made? Can it change and still be partially hydrogentated soybean oil?" I think you can see that it is still soybean oil, regardless of how hydrogenated it is, so it does change. Therefore it cannot be a compound.That leaves mixture.

Is tea with sugar an example of a mixture or a solution?

yes because tea has different ingredients like sugar ,coffee tea bag etc and that will make a mixture and it makes a good mixture

How easy is it to make compost?

Compost is a nothing more than a mixture of brown and green materials that is left to rot and is turned to keep the mixture heated up in the center and provide the necessary oxygen to the 'rotting material' to futher the rotting or composting of the materials. You can use a mixture of green grass clippings and dried leaves, kitchen scraps, newspaper, etc..... do not compost meat scraps, grease or bones.

What do rollypollys eat?

I think they eat leaves!

Is leaves rotting a chemical change or a physical?

It is a chemical change.

Is tea leaf a compound leaf?

Tea is not an element because it can be separated into many different simpler substances such as caffeine which itself is made up of the elements carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Caffeine is a compound because it is made of elements that are chemically joined. Once again tea is not a compound because "tea" as we know it is not one compound but rather many compounds that are present in the tea leaves. A cup of tea is in fact an aqueous mixture. -Removed the addition of an individual acting like a fool. Helpful answer, good job.

Is sweetened tea an electrolyte mixture?

A mixture contains atoms or molecules of different substances. As such, tea is a mixture since it contains molecules of sugar, water and tea leaves.