

Is semen slippery

Updated: 5/22/2024
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3w ago

Yes, semen is slippery due to its slippery texture caused by proteins and other fluids present in it.

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First, you mean, "Pre semen". (Semen is the whitish fluid that the sperm swim around in). Pre-semen is a slippery lubricant, and also changes the chemistry of the woman's birth canal so that it will not kill the sperm.

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Some do, but it's an acquired taste. Semen is sticky but slippery, so it coats the tongue and is difficult to scrape off. It is often rather tasteless yet bitter. What I like about eating semen is the thought of eating a man's male secretions that came from parts of his penis. Yum!

What does semen look and feel like?

Semen is an opalescent white fluid that can vary in viscosity. Sometimes it is very much like a liquid and other times it can be thick and somewhat clumpy. It should be very slippery, much like the consistency of mucus (snot).

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The fluid is derived from the prostate gland. The testicles inject sperm into the prostatic fluid and the cowper's gland shoots "pre-semen" into the urethra before ejaculation. It is extremely slippery and is a lubricant for the semen to flow freely. A rapid climax before excitement can be painful because the cowper's has not yet lubed up the tube.

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Slippery is glissant(e).

What part of speech is the word slippery?

"Slippery" is an adjective

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Yeah, they are very slippery.