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It is a chemical change because the change of the color involve a chemical reaction.

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11y ago

You need to learn to ask more precise questions. Spilling something is obviously not a chemical change, but I think you're asking about the fact that the bleach ... um ... bleaches a spot on the jeans. That's a chemical change; bleach works by breaking complex organic molecules that are colored apart into smaller, non-colored molecules.

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Q: Is spilling bleach on jeans a chemical change and why?
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How do you get stains out of white jeans?

To get stains out of white jeans you can use bleach. Seperate the peice of clothing from the rest and scrub the stained area with bleach. The stain will fade and you can wash out the color for good.

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you dont get then there in the frist place but bleach

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bleach the red dye out.

How do I get white streaks on my jeans?

You would need to use a bleach on the jeans and let them set for a couple hours. For small, precise streaks, the best thing to use is a bleach pen -- these are sold in the laundry products section of grocery stores. For larger areas, use a spray bottle filled with ¼ bleach and ¾ water. Stuff the part of the jeans you are working on with old towels so that the bleach solution won't go all the way through, and apply the bleach check after 10 minutes and apply more if needed. Once the desired amount of streaking has been reached, wash the jeans immediately. Failing to do this will cause the bleach-soaked fibres to weaken.

How do you die black jeans white with bleach?

Youtube will tell you! Good luck!!

How do companies make acid washed jeans?

They use industrial washing machines, and place pumice stones soaked in bleach in the washer set on small load with the jeans. Then they place them in another washer with a small amount of sodium bisulfite to take out the bleach. Then they dry the jeans, and the are ready to be worn.

Can you bleach skinny jeans without washing them?

yes just put a spot or drop of bleach on them and latter u will find what the spot or whole jeans turn wight without washing them u just have to let them dry

How do you bleach skinny jeans?

To bleach skinny jeans:Step 1: Find A spray bottleStep 2: fill spray bottle up with bleach and water( a little bit more bleach then water)Step 3: Stuff Jeans With Newspaper if u don't want the same design on back.Step 4: spray watered bleach onto jeans ( wherever you want)Step 5 : Let Jeans sit for 1 hour ( perferably on a dry rack)Step 6: After Drying, Wash the jeans. *( wash alone or other items will be bleached too)Step 7: Let dry and there you have itBLEACHED JEANS! :DBravo for the person above me =D But do they turn out a faded white-ish blue or a solid white against the blue denim?It depends on what color the jeans originally were. Like if they were a dark blue pair of jeans, the bleached parts will turn out a white-ish blue! There you go!

What is the best way to clean corduroy jeans?

There are many good ways to clean corduroy jeans. The best way of washing corduroy jeans would be to put them in a washing machine and using bleach as a cleaner.

How do you make acid rain skinny jeans?

Just take an old pair and use bleach.

How do you fix your white jeans if they turn yellow?

you can start by, not peeing in them. I'd probably soak them in bleach too.