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yes it does. if the electrons are lost easily, reactivity is more.

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Q: Is the reactivity of a metal depend on how easily it loses its valence electrons?
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What is the reactivity of an atom determined by?

It's determine by the vacancy (unfilled orbital) in the outermost shell of an atom.

How do the valence electron of mercury make it bonding weaks?

Mercury easily shares its valence electrons

How do the valence electrons of mercury make bonding weak?

Mercury easily shares its valence electrons

How does reactivity change down the group of atoms?

Reactivity generally increases down a group of atoms. This is because as you move down the group, the atomic radius increases and the valence electrons become further from the nucleus. As a result, the valence electrons are less strongly attracted to the nucleus, making them more easily available for bond formation and chemical reactions.

Why does valence electron give up outermost energy easily?

The force of attraction between the atom's nucleus and its valence electrons are the least. Hence valence electrons are lost easily.

How are valence electrons important with bonding?

Valence electrons are important because they are the electrons that each atom uses to bond or that can be stripped from the atom to create an ion. Non-valence electrons are not easily removed from the atom and are not used for bonding or transfer.

How many valence electrons do the elements of alkali metals have?

Valence electrons are the electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom.You can easily determine the number of valence electrons an atom can have by looking at its Group in the periodic table.For example, atoms in Groups 1 and 2 have 1 and 2 valence electrons, respectively.Atoms in Groups 13 and 18 have 3 and 8 valence electrons, respectively.

What atoms tend to gain two electrons to form a anion?

se and sometimes gain electrons. Atoms with eight valence electrons do not easily lose electrons

Is the valence electron farthest or closest to the nucleus?

No. By definition, valence electrons are the furthest electrons from the nucleus in the atom. They are the electrons most easily removed from (or added to) the atom to create ions. A loophole to this answer might be to say that hydrogen and helium only have 1 and 2 electrons respectively so their valence electrons are close. That's a matter of perspective, as no electrons are really "close" to the nucleus to begin with. A typical comparison is to imagine a grape seed in the middle of a football stadium. The grape seed represents the nucleus, and an electron would be a speck of dust on the outside of the stadium. No. By definition, valence electrons are the furthest electrons from the nucleus in the atom. They are the electrons most easily removed from (or added to) the atom to create ions. A loophole to this answer might be to say that hydrogen and helium only have 1 and 2 electrons respectively so their valence electrons are close. That's a matter of perspective, as no electrons are really "close" to the nucleus to begin with. A typical comparison is to imagine a grape seed in the middle of a football stadium. The grape seed represents the nucleus, and an electron would be a speck of dust on the outside of the stadium.

Which electrons are involved in chemical bonds?

The outer shell, known as the valence; it is a good indicator of an elements reactivity. If you look at the periodic table, elements in group I and VII are highly reactive because they form ionic bonds very easily due to the fact that they have one and seven eletrons in their outer shell respectively, making each very close to the octet which is where elements seem to be stable. Those in group I easily lose their one eletron and those in group VII easily gain one. It also occurs with the other groups to a lesser degree.

What are the valence electron for helium?

Both of the two electrons in a helium atom are technically "valence electrons", but since they constitute a complete electronic shell, they do not form chemical bonds to other atoms easily if at all.

Chemical property of non metals?

Non metals are elements that are not metals such as iron, and silver. They usually have four to eight electrons in their outer shell, gain or share valence electrons easily and form oxides that are acidic.