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Yes, is true.

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Q: Is this true radioactive elements can undergo more than one decay or transmutation in order to form a stable nucleus?
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Are all elements periodically change to become new element s?

No. Only radioactive elements, which undergo radioactive decay can change to different elements.

Why do some isotopes of elements spontaneously undergo radioactive decay?

Nuclei undergo radioactive decay in order to release some of the "stress" in the atom. At a certain point, the nucleus of an atom gets too large to sustain all of those protons and neutrons. When the "stress" is relieved, a phenomenon called radioactive decay occurs.

What happens to an atom with a nucleus that falls outside the band of stability?

It would be radioactive and the nucleus would undergo nuclear decomposition.

How does radioactive decay transmute elements?

A radioactive element has unstable atomic nuclei. These nuclei will decay according to the decay scheme for that given element under inspection. Depending on the type of decay, an alpha particle (a helium-4 nucleus), or a beta particle (an electron or a positron, depending) may be ejected from the nucleus. This will result in nuclear transformation. With each decay, a "new" nuclear configuration will appear, and these nuclei will, if they are also unstable, undergo further radioactive decay along what is called a decay chain. With continued decay, the atoms will change and reach the end of the chain, and this will be signaled by the appearance of a stable atomic nucleus.

What is 3 examples nuclear transmutation?

Because transmutation, the change of one element into another, is only accomplished by some kind of change in the nucleus of an atom. It's a nuclear change, and a nuclear reaction is the only change that will facilitate transmutation.

List of radioactive elements?

Elements that decay (give off protons and neutrons) to form other elements. *It's not elements as such that are stable or unstable, but rather isotopes. Even elements of small atomic number have unstable isotopes that undergo radioactive decay, for example carbon-14. Elements with higher atomic numbers than Lead (82) are naturally radioactive in all isotopes. Bismuth (83) has an extremely long half-life, but the time generally becomes shorter (the decay more rapid) as the size of the nucleus gets progressively larger for heavier radioactive elements.

When an isotope is blank it does not undergo radioactive decay?

when an isotope is it does not undergo radioactive decay

Is radioactive isotope a curse?

Radioactive isotopes are just elements which have a tendency to undergo alpha, beta or gamma radiation to bring themselves to a stable electron configuration.

Why does americium-241 undergo radioactive decay?

The nucleus is too large to be stable. There is the theory of grouping of nucleons into alpha particles inside the nucleus and thru oscillations of the nucleus one of these on one end of the nucleus can be repelled with a great enough force to push it out of the nucleus.

What does it mean for an element to undergo transmutation?

an element becomes a totally different element..

What is the meaning of radionuclide?

A radionuclide is an atom with an unstable nucleus that undergoes radioactive decay, emitting radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. These radioactive particles can be used for medical imaging, cancer treatment, and industrial applications.

Why is it said radioactive nuclei undergo decay to gain stability?

Each decay releases excess energy from the nucleus, bringing it closer to a stable ground state.