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At 67*C and higher. That's a critical dissolving temperature.

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The solubility of phenol in water is 8,3 g/100 mL at 20 0C.

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Q: Is water and phenol is partially miscible to each other?
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Disinfectant have one basic concept phenol which is partially miscible with water but never appeares two layered what is the one physical concept behind this?

Phenol or carbolic acid is an acid so becomes ionized in water partially and becomes soluble now this mixture dissolves some unionized molecules of phenol so mixture is homogeneous and not forms two layers.

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The miscibility with water is very low; benzaldehyde is soluble in liquid ammonia.

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Isopropanol is completely miscible with water as well as partially miscible with vegetable oil.

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Water molecules have hydrogen bonds between them. Since they cannot form hydrogen bonds with the ethoxyethane molecules, the ethoxyethane molcules are not soluble in water.

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No, water is polar and in general like dissolves like so non polar solutions are miscible with other nonpolar solution and water is miscible with other polar solutions.

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Milk is miscible in other milk products but it is not miscible in water--otherwise you wouldn't see it, or detect it, optically in water.

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Carbon tetrachloride is not miscible with water but miscible with many other liquid organic compounds.

Is pure water and pond water miscible?

yes. it is very miscible.. just remember the simple rule in solubility.. like dissolves like.. since both of them are water then that makes them miscible with each other..

Are water and ethanol miscible?

Methanol is miscible in water but Ethyl Acetate is immiscible in water. -- The above answer is correct if asking if each solvent is miscible in water. If you are asking if they are miscible together then the answer is yes, they will mix.

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Oil is not miscible with water.

Is methylbenzene miscible in water?

Methylbenzene, aka toluene, is not miscible in water. It is miscible in organic solvents such as hexane and acetone.

Is ink a miscible liquid?

Miscible in/with what? I am going to assume in water. Then, yes, they are miscible.