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It is a chemical change.

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Q: Is wood rotting a chemical or physical property?
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Wood rotting chemical or physical change?

Chemical Because physical is when you change it your self

Why rotting wood is a chemical change?

Rotting wood is a chemical change because the decomposed wood has different properties that cannot be reversed. Chemical changes alter the identity of a substance, whereas physical changes do not.

Is it chemical property or physical when wood rots?

chemical property

Is wood a physical property or a chemical property?

Physical. If you were to cut that piece of wood in half what would it be? Still wood. There would be no chemical change. Just a physical change.

Is burning wood a physical or chemical property?

Neither. It is a chemical change. The ability of wood to burn is a chemical property.

What is the difference between a physical property and a chemical property of wood?

I'm not sure what the Chemical difference in property is, but the physical difference would be that ash is powdery and wood is solid.

Would wood rotting be a physical change or a chemical change?

"chemical" usually secondary to biologic activity.

What is one chemical and one physical property of wood?

physical: electrical insulatorchemical: composed mostly of complex carbohydrates

Is cutting a log into boards a physical property chemical property chemical change or physical change?

It is a physical change, because the wood is still wood but it is in a different form

What are the chemical and physical property of wood?

Wood is a biologically produces substance and thus not of uniform consistency. Commonly, it can only poorly be described with chemical and physical terms.For more information, see

Is wood rotting a chemical change or physical change?

it is a chemical reaction because a new substance is formed when the wood rots

How do you describe a physical and chemical property of wood?
